The Indian equity markets closed the day in the red after the RBI kept the key interest rates unchanged. While the BSE Sensex today closed lower by 116 points, the NSE-Nifty closed lower by 17 points. Meanwhile, midcaps and smallcaps outperformed the market with the the BSE Mid Cap index closing higher by 1.1%, while the BSE Small Cap index ended higher by 0.7%. Consumer durables stocks were the biggest losers today while metal and auto stocks were favoured.
Asian markets finished mixed as of the most recent closing prices. The Shanghai Composite gained 3.69% and the Hang Seng rose 0.03%. The Nikkei 225 lost 0.14%. European markets lost ground in early trade. The rupee was trading at 63.93 against the US$ in the post noon session.
NSENIFTY closed up 10.200 at 8,543.050. Volume was 8% above average (neutral) and Bollinger Bands were 30% narrower than normal.
- Open High Low Close Volume___
- 8,510.650 8,563.950 8,508.100 8,543.050 161,485,760
- Technical Outlook
- Short Term: Neutral
- Intermediate Term: Bullish
- Long Term: Bullish
- Moving Averages: 10-period 50-period 200-period
- Close: 8,484.50 8,346.04 8,421.73
- Volatility: 18 17 18
- Volume: 163,774,192 150,309,328 155,109,472
NSENIFTY is currently 1.4% above its 200-period moving average and is in an upward trend. Volatility is Our volume indicators reflect volume flowing into and out of NSENIFTY at a relatively equal pace (neutral). Our trend forecasting oscillators are currently bullish on NSENIFTY and have had this outlook for the last 29 periods.
BANKNIFTY closed up 57.900 at 18,972.600. Volume was 83% above average (neutral) and Bollinger Bands were 24% narrower than normal.
- Open High Low Close Volume___
- 18,968.250 19,067.350 18,758.900 18,972.600 104,132,736
- Technical Outlook
- Short Term: Neutral
- Intermediate Term: Bearish
- Long Term: Bullish
- Moving Averages: 10-period 50-period 200-period
- Close: 18,637.46 18,351.99 18,372.70
- Volatility: 22 22 26
- Volume: 76,419,848 58,504,288 52,175,328
BANKNIFTY is currently 3.3% above its 200-period moving average and is in an downward trend. Volatility is Our volume indicators reflect volume flowing into and out of BANKNIFTY at a relatively equal pace (neutral). Our trend forecasting oscillators are currently bearish on BANKNIFTY and have had this outlook for the last 2 periods.
GOLDBEES closed down -5.300 at 2,268.800. Volume was 7% above average (neutral) and Bollinger Bands were 107% wider than normal.
- Open High Low Close Volume___
- 2,273.8502,274.5002,261.2002,268.800 15,896
- Technical Outlook
- Short Term: Oversold
- Intermediate Term: Bearish
- Long Term: Bearish
- Moving Averages: 10-period 50-period 200-period
- Close: 2,281.28 2,393.80 2,448.13
- Volatility: 14 10 14
- Volume: 23,277 15,117 18,183
GOLDBEES is currently 7.3% below its 200-period moving average and is in an downward trend. Volatility is relatively normal as compared to the average volatility over the last 10 periods. Our volume indicators reflect very strong flows of volume out of GOLDBEES (bearish). Our trend forecasting oscillators are currently bearish on GOLDBEES and have had this outlook for the last 48 periods. Our momentum oscillator is currently indicating that GOLDBEES is currently in an oversold condition. The security price has set a new 14-period low while our momentum oscillator has not. This is a bullish divergence.
MCX closed down -21.000 at 1,110.600. Volume was 50% below average (consolidating)(neutral) and Bollinger Bands were 15% narrower than normal.
- Open High Low Close Volume___
- 1,136.9001,138.8001,101.5001,110.600 161,447
- Technical Outlook
- Short Term: Neutral
- Intermediate Term: Bullish
- Long Term: Bullish
- Moving Averages: 10-period 50-period 200-period
- Close: 1,130.53 1,063.83 984.93
- Volatility: 37 36 48
- Volume: 297,656 302,426 484,880
MCX is currently 12.8% above its 200-period moving average and is in an upward trend. Volatility is relatively normal as compared to the average volatility over the last 10 periods. Our volume indicators reflect moderate flows of volume into MCX (mildly bullish). Our trend forecasting oscillators are currently bullish on MCX and have had this outlook for the last 29 periods. our momentum oscillator has set a new 14-period low while the security price has not. This is a bearish divergence.
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