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Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Profit-unity scan report for 28 July 2015

This exploration searches securities and reports on their current and previous day's Market Facilitation Index and volume.  The column named "Window" shows a value of "1" for green bars, "2" for squat bars, "3" for fade bars, and "4" for fake bars. 

Security Name Prev MFI MFI Prev Vol Volume Window
NSE500 0.0011 0.0018 585624576 579250560 4
NSE100 0.0041 0.0067 189477456 198777200 1
NSEMIDCAP 0.0086 0.0085 201794400 197563552 3
MIDCAP50 0.004 0.0037 162119456 162950000 2
NSENIFTY 0.0058 0.01 131344832 140828064 1
NIFTYJUNIOR 0.0429 0.0389 58132628 57949140 3
BANKNIFTY 0.0413 0.0784 59850424 48338056 4
JPASSOCIAT 0.0003 0.0002 53562976 35590588 3
UNITECH 0.0001 0.0001 23563020 25200132 1
SUZLON 0.0004 0.0008 13976068 15058949 1
IBREALEST 0.0045 0.0035 10741466 14636523 2
JINDALSAW 0.0457 0.0103 612252 14050419 2
NSEIT 0.1435 0.0785 9525365 12162185 2
ASHOKLEY 0.0027 0.0025 8498149 12022376 2
ADANIPOWER 0.001 0.0008 10112541 11769076 2
GMRINFRA 0.0017 0.0012 4622749 10774910 2
ICICIBANK 0.0065 0.0096 19252368 10193223 4
AXISBANK 0.0136 0.0261 13673495 9829067 4
HDIL 0.004 0.0054 6930681 9461010 1
IDFC 0.0046 0.0076 24118160 8525721 4
TATAMOTORS 0.0147 0.0145 7059848 8450904 2
TATASTEEL 0.0196 0.0172 3810280 7648463 2
ONGC 0.0161 0.0176 2641098 7300584 1
NIITLTD 0.0173 0.0073 1760029 7165864 2
GRANULES 0.0072 0.0101 8196203 7082656 4
DISHTV 0.0084 0.0044 5126405 7004281 2
SBIN 0.0106 0.0079 7796401 6788558 3
LITL 0.0006 0.0004 2436853 6601216 2
IFCI 0.0008 0.0017 6102469 6583146 1
RCOM 0.005 0.0045 4273810 6347046 2
COALINDIA 0.0231 0.0111 4240548 6244014 2
GEOMETRIC 0.1271 0.0357 259620 6223794 2
HINDALCO 0.0081 0.0076 3081533 6011766 2
DLF 0.01 0.0067 5551887 5861376 2
PNB 0.0072 0.0082 3770415 5645768 1
TV18BRDCST 0.003 0.003 5951426 5611043 4
JINDALSTEL 0.009 0.0034 5033047 5557791 2
GVKPIL 0.0006 0.0017 7599130 5398843 4
ANDHRABANK 0.0126 0.0051 1549435 5325211 2
JPPOWER 0.0006 0.0012 6279622 5240669 4
KGL 0.0005 0.0005 8814413 4993034 4
RELIANCE 0.0953 0.0612 2994363 4598763 2
BANKBARODA 0.0078 0.008 5482823 4409981 4
TECHM 0.0873 0.0402 2285622 4208795 2
RASOYPR 0.0001 0.0002 6139870 4183705 4
IOB 0.0074 0.002 1142607 4164288 2
VEDL 0.0097 0.0131 3715381 4123728 1
TVSMOTOR 0.043 0.03 4173349 4121860 3
JKTYRE 0.0063 0.0133 4978660 4104271 4
ALOKTEXT 0.0009 0.001 3222656 4087184 1
RENUKA 0.0013 0.0012 2767520 4084157 2
SUNTV 0.0508 0.0477 2450568 3958563 2
TAKE 0.1151 0.0362 799095 3796607 2
SUNPHARMA 0.0475 0.0574 3052640 3606126 1
SINTEX 0.0084 0.0171 5244382 3575135 4
CROMPGREAV 0.022 0.0232 7652926 3494781 4
ADANIENT 0.0101 0.0126 2874595 3445054 1
ITC 0.0115 0.0104 2695820 3412265 2
FARMAXIND 0.0002 0.0003 3156455 3380355 1
INFY 0.1042 0.0815 2240151 3376122 2
JISLJALEQS 0.0078 0.0093 2688669 3316578 1
RPOWER 0.0045 0.0052 2433046 3291448 1
KEI 0.0258 0.0196 4357115 3258258 3
YESBANK 0.0843 0.0842 2551913 3218572 2
PUNJLLOYD 0.0061 0.0062 3046159 3150869 1
TATAPOWER 0.0045 0.0062 2110460 3130774 1
SUBEX 0.0031 0.0032 3933914 3128923 4
LUPIN 0.2685 0.2877 3491061 3030464 4
SYNDIBANK 0.0221 0.013 1717298 3029707 2
DIGJAM 0.0098 0.0039 1733063 2920788 2
IDBI 0.0099 0.0117 1960038 2899058 1
NCC 0.0051 0.0168 5728155 2889468 4
FEDERALBNK 0.0074 0.0061 2151321 2882297 2
VAKRANGEE 0.0223 0.0226 1972820 2873180 1
PFC 0.0344 0.028 1567711 2806657 2
MARKSANS 0.0084 0.0124 6166390 2739597 4
TATAELXSI 0.4436 0.4928 4699577 2635733 4
IDEA 0.0122 0.0239 1932756 2619510 1
INFRATEL 0.2056 0.0552 2302847 2583515 2
NTPC 0.0064 0.0236 3147809 2526150 4
HIMATSEIDE 0.0249 0.0355 9952892 2507948 4
CENTURYTEX 0.2233 0.1361 1014372 2493596 2
L&TFH 0.004 0.0078 4471830 2485025 4
APOLLOTYRE 0.0358 0.023 1674170 2417645 2
REIAGROLTD 0.0011 0.0004 453122 2412802 2
BHEL 0.0384 0.0464 1955103 2412579 1
LT 0.3013 0.2537 1324186 2371187 2
TATAMTRDVR 0.0376 0.0389 3177332 2362429 4
ADANIPORTS 0.0359 0.0422 2337434 2359169 1
NHPC 0.0017 0.0015 1469434 2350782 2
HCC 0.0036 0.0045 2500840 2338364 4
BHARTIARTL 0.045 0.0748 1943504 2312492 1
M&MFIN 0.0304 0.0473 5505158 2283659 4
LICHSGFIN 0.0437 0.0671 2343404 2273498 4
TRIVENI 0.0384 0.0099 286224 2266871 2
AMBUJACEM 0.0545 0.042 1229746 2260013 2
UCOBANK 0.0106 0.0125 898191 2248877 1
IBULHSGFIN 0.1899 0.1953 1990368 2217408 1
HDFC 0.148 0.1356 1915369 2164764 2
RECLTD 0.0457 0.027 1530067 2108524 2
HAVELLS 0.1917 0.0581 492885 2064366 2
SRIPIPES 0.3978 0.1551 395889 2050039 2
KSERASERA 0 0.0003 11156590 1984966 4
BINDALAGRO 0.0196 0.024 1531812 1981649 1
RAJESHEXPO 0.0922 0.1249 2374382 1977050 4
SOUTHBANK 0.0019 0.002 2379407 1971955 4
HINDPETRO 0.1097 0.0747 1872780 1967504 2
UNIONBANK 0.0241 0.0253 2011205 1955200 4
ORIENTBANK 0.0388 0.0408 1354178 1948977 1
MIRZAINT 0.0395 0.0376 5225059 1929941 3
NOCIL 0.012 0.0115 3589065 1908818 3
ABAN 0.1313 0.0556 978317 1905873 2
INDRAMEDCO 0.0716 0.0407 474871 1881350 2
CAIRN 0.0236 0.0338 2499402 1880473 4
KTKBANK 0.0262 0.0212 1221492 1861854 2
BANKINDIA 0.0376 0.0399 1036415 1804573 1
DHFL 0.0776 0.0806 2378180 1749675 4
ALBK 0.0261 0.0283 976346 1748357 1
JPINFRATEC 0.0101 0.0083 1187985 1747559 2
JSWENERGY 0.0113 0.0179 1642641 1679896 1
HCLTECH 0.2547 0.2089 1183858 1675704 2
RELCAPITAL 0.0619 0.0934 1777267 1621677 4
INDIACEM 0.0202 0.0189 1360251 1615479 2
PRAJIND 0.0646 0.0347 1323292 1598975 2
SKSMICRO 0.0707 0.1759 1837511 1554834 4
CENTENKA 1.961 0.2008 42835 1543729 2
SAIL 0.0058 0.0098 2158902 1527021 4
MEGH 0.0112 0.0119 712641 1518147 1
3IINFOTECH 0.0017 0.0014 1490204 1480859 3
RELINFRA 0.1125 0.1608 1133713 1458356 1
ZEEL 0.0625 0.0703 2368111 1457508 4
AUROPHARMA 0.2544 0.2054 1214746 1445615 2
BOMDYEING 0.0166 0.0314 3070718 1434908 4
HFCL 0.0043 0.0042 1276572 1432977 2
HINDDORROL 0.0342 0.0238 1182819 1408257 2
BALRAMCHIN 0.0573 0.0239 593105 1400277 2
CANBK 0.0661 0.0878 1133791 1378717 1
DISHMAN 0.1103 0.0359 1142602 1378222 2
STRTECH 0.013 0.0328 2079855 1371987 4
EXIDEIND 0.0407 0.0463 1105669 1348707 1
DELTACORP 0.0427 0.0291 854823 1338062 2
MANALIPETC 0.0088 0.0064 2786182 1330584 3
ESL 0.001 0.0015 1928842 1316899 4
FCEL 0.0038 0.0031 2597691 1306731 3
HINDUNILVR 0.2219 0.116 624104 1305606 2
ARCHIES 0.013 0.0262 2316266 1299074 4
VOLTAS 0.0301 0.1002 2425511 1287335 4
NAKODA 0.0005 0.0008 956696 1279281 1
HCL-INSYS 0.0117 0.015 1414370 1264917 4
IRB 0.0809 0.0701 1322605 1263156 3
ESCORTS 0.0298 0.0589 2565707 1256338 4
UPL 0.1625 0.1956 1003279 1249836 1
TATAGLOBAL 0.0143 0.0309 1542474 1245996 4
PENIND 0.0249 0.0346 1227173 1244533 1
EDUCOMP 0.0072 0.0074 1107813 1220436 1
TI 0.0195 0.0266 1305008 1204086 4
MOTHERSUMI 0.1722 0.1313 755138 1199841 2
GMBREW 0.171 0.3113 520549 1186961 1
ARVIND 0.0648 0.1114 1881705 1184564 4
BAJAJHIND 0.0119 0.0098 376650 1167711 2
NMDC 0.0228 0.0254 591352 1159927 1
KWALITY 0.0315 0.0545 2980112 1155731 4
ASIANPAINT 0.0971 0.2046 1132540 1153262 1
IOC 0.058 0.0993 2053478 1153094 4
DCBBANK 0.0259 0.03 1469147 1131532 4
KEC 0.0498 0.0505 1274273 1119774 4
GAIL 0.0381 0.0788 1706758 1109857 4
HEXAWARE 0.117 0.0788 657866 1097355 2
SUMEETINDS 0.0078 0.0059 449122 1094963 2
TTML 0.0032 0.0042 1087561 1078506 4
AMTEKAUTO 0.0206 0.0555 1652754 1035798 4
PTC 0.0235 0.0248 531136 1028738 1
BPCL 0.1672 0.2238 1629705 1023220 4
TCS 0.3098 0.2381 787486 1001869 2


Parag Patil is a technical analyst and trading system designer with stock excel programmer. I hope the articles and live chart of nse future and mcx on this Website will be as helpful and profitable to you . I try to update and post new articles tips everyday. My motto is to encourage the traders, so that they should able to understand the technique views behind the moment of stocks. I have deeply analyzed with many technical indicator with parameter and added to my amibroker afl. And even taken backtest report which is never being implemented. Any of the analyst expect me. Seeing all this you may understand that my views is more technical than commercial. If you are profited by my views I fill happy.

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