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Saturday, 23 May 2015

New high and New low screen equity stock update for 23 May 2015

Weekly New high Weekly New Low
Ticker Date/Time High Close Volome Ticker Date/Time Low Close Volome
VOLTAS 22/05/2015 321 318.9 19654436 RASOYPR 22/05/2015 0.2 0.25 247244416
INFRATEL 22/05/2015 473 434.05 17232744 JPASSOCIAT 22/05/2015 17.65 17.8 82748256
AMTEKINDIA 22/05/2015 154.95 154.25 14846060 GMRINFRA 22/05/2015 14.2 14.3 54867440
DCBBANK 22/05/2015 136.95 136.4 12919592 PUNJLLOYD 22/05/2015 20.8 26.1 42058304
ADANIENT 22/05/2015 799.5 794.75 10490371 JPPOWER 22/05/2015 7.15 7.2 41213064
UPL 22/05/2015 547 537.65 9726976 3IINFOTECH 22/05/2015 2.4 2.4 31314464
ADANIPORTS 22/05/2015 354.8 348.95 9695397 VEDL 22/05/2015 205 206.2 16459230
BSLIMITED 22/05/2015 43.2 37.05 8948801 KSERASERA 22/05/2015 0.25 0.3 11041218
MIC 22/05/2015 13.9 12.6 4152895 CAIRN 22/05/2015 195 196.8 9311117
ASTEC 22/05/2015 181.8 171.3 3958415 GUJNRECOKE 22/05/2015 4.15 4.2 6113598
AJMERA 22/05/2015 180.85 170.3 3532415 CMAHENDRA 22/05/2015 6.55 6.9 3487969
ELAND 22/05/2015 36.25 33.85 2875198 JPINFRATEC 22/05/2015 14.7 14.8 3416589
SANGAMIND 22/05/2015 125.3 125.3 2813086 ABGSHIP 22/05/2015 138.2 148.9 3316895
IGARASHI 22/05/2015 530 504.25 2572692 JSWSTEEL 22/05/2015 863.1 922.15 3291295
MIRCELECTR 22/05/2015 16.8 13.15 2256957 ORBITCORP 22/05/2015 10.6 11.35 3090358
PFRL 22/05/2015 210 195.7 2013345 UNITEDBNK 22/05/2015 25 25.05 2645315
JUBLFOOD 22/05/2015 1790 1751.4 2007578 HANUNG 22/05/2015 8.6 8.6 1987707
LYCOS 22/05/2015 35.75 35.55 1947352 HELIOSMATH 22/05/2015 22.6 30.1 1721689
DEEPIND 22/05/2015 92.9 90.6 1596666 MONNETISPA 22/05/2015 36.85 37.5 861741
SICAGEN 22/05/2015 21.35 19.85 1551044 KSK 22/05/2015 48.15 49.1 846898
NUCLEUS 22/05/2015 295 268.25 1484432 COREEDUTEC 22/05/2015 6.15 6.9 652822
BRITANNIA 22/05/2015 2554.65 2430.85 1337887 IZMO 22/05/2015 46.35 50.85 588055
APLLTD 22/05/2015 562.2 542.15 1289955 ONELIFECAP 22/05/2015 65 70.4 487793
LAMBODHARA 22/05/2015 441.2 436.5 1034053 JCTEL 22/05/2015 0.3 0.4 474788
DLINKINDIA 22/05/2015 222.7 187.25 1031242 SUPREMEINF 22/05/2015 168.1 182.4 471879
PCJEWELLER 22/05/2015 376.2 372.6 1018283 SHRENUJ 22/05/2015 34.95 35.95 241506
UFO 22/05/2015 627.95 600 1002288 UNITY 22/05/2015 15.55 16 230385
MANGALAM 22/05/2015 45.9 41.4 991504 DHAMPURSUG 22/05/2015 31.5 32.25 215847
WELSPUNIND 22/05/2015 570 555.9 961852 ADHUNIK 22/05/2015 17.95 18 162108
REPRO 22/05/2015 610 549.4 949639 DBSTOCKBRO 22/05/2015 36.15 36.5 161155
BYKE 22/05/2015 174.4 172.75 849319 SAKHTISUG 22/05/2015 12.15 12.95 134340
NILKAMAL 22/05/2015 569.9 553.05 837150 UTTAMSUGAR 22/05/2015 9.95 10.35 93204
TNPETRO 22/05/2015 17.1 16.15 777668 NEPCMICON 22/05/2015 2 2.1 91778
SANGHVIMOV 22/05/2015 344.4 321.3 731228 VENKEYS 22/05/2015 275.6 282.45 84528
LYKALABS 22/05/2015 67.45 64.2 718029 MANAKALUCO 22/05/2015 4.5 4.65 63143
JAMNAAUTO 22/05/2015 274.95 242 679704 MANAKSTEEL 22/05/2015 9.1 9.15 62613
WELPROJ 22/05/2015 54 47.25 636189 ELDERPHARM 22/05/2015 79.6 81.65 60692
IZMO 22/05/2015 53.7 50.85 588055 MANAKCOAT 22/05/2015 4.35 4.35 50776
STARPAPER 22/05/2015 27.8 25.5 552375 GSS 22/05/2015 13.75 13.8 49135
DAAWAT 22/05/2015 158.5 147.2 501322 MANAKINDST 22/05/2015 5.05 5.9 47706
AGCNET 22/05/2015 147.3 124.85 501222 PRAENG 22/05/2015 5.9 6.25 41106
EICHERMOT 22/05/2015 19155 18696.75 485292 WINSOME 22/05/2015 0.95 1.15 21692
RKFORGE 22/05/2015 633.5 570.3 440522 TARAPUR 22/05/2015 5 5.8 19651
GAYAPROJ 22/05/2015 208 200.05 438459 NIFTYEES 22/05/2015 8000 8136.55 15086
KAJARIACER 22/05/2015 844 826.8 418357 BUTTERFLY 22/05/2015 164 166.75 15012
TRIL 22/05/2015 310 277.15 390675 SURANACORP 22/05/2015 3.85 4.65 14504
PUNJABCHEM 22/05/2015 276.15 272.4 291991 EXCEL 22/05/2015 15.45 16.2 12194
ICIL 22/05/2015 547 522.1 284636 RAMSARUP 22/05/2015 1.65 1.75 11863
PEL 22/05/2015 1044.5 988.3 282764 RUCHINFRA 22/05/2015 7.2 7.8 8507
SAKUMA 22/05/2015 37.8 28.15 247217 SURANAIND 22/05/2015 16.05 17.65 8092
AUTOLITIND 22/05/2015 47.95 44.25 225916 SETFNIFJR 21/05/2015 159 196.51 466
SHREECEM 22/05/2015 12249 11643.75 219755 VETO 15/05/2015 74 86.6 25053
KNRCON 22/05/2015 555.1 526 182557 SURANACORP 15/05/2015 4.45 4.45 24923
FMNL 22/05/2015 18.8 14.35 154397 DHARSUGAR 15/05/2015 11 11.85 19325
VINDHYATEL 22/05/2015 732 682 153920 SURANAIND 15/05/2015 18.25 18.25 17226
MOHITIND 22/05/2015 59.85 58.25 146358 BGLOBAL 15/05/2015 2.7 2.85 16184
AGRODUTCH 22/05/2015 7.05 7.05 144802 NEPCMICON 15/05/2015 2.1 2.15 14789
VINYLINDIA 22/05/2015 98.6 78.05 142159 EXCEL 15/05/2015 15.55 16.2 10741
SABTN 22/05/2015 279 250.8 68215 SIRPAPER 15/05/2015 9.8 10.4 7627
GEECEE 22/05/2015 57.95 55.4 66669 MURLIIND 15/05/2015 4.5 4.8 6618
VETO 22/05/2015 103.6 84.1 66077 HOTELRUGBY 15/05/2015 3.05 3.2 3070
RUPA 22/05/2015 271.2 271.2 57807 RAJSREESUG 15/05/2015 16.1 17.6 2794
WELENTRP 22/05/2015 536 505.85 51690 SETFNIFJR 15/05/2015 175 220.5 126
SIGNET 22/05/2015 223 211.1 44829
VISHNU 22/05/2015 200 179.9 43247
PAGEIND 22/05/2015 15275.95 14792 36648
SIYSIL 22/05/2015 1149.9 1121.85 18298
NIFTYEES 22/05/2015 9860 8136.55 15086
EXCEL 22/05/2015 18.95 16.2 12194
REMSONSIND 22/05/2015 49 42.4 5832
WELINV 22/05/2015 43.75 39.1 1813
SETFNIFJR 21/05/2015 235 196.51 466


Parag Patil is a technical analyst and trading system designer with stock excel programmer. I hope the articles and live chart of nse future and mcx on this Website will be as helpful and profitable to you . I try to update and post new articles tips everyday. My motto is to encourage the traders, so that they should able to understand the technique views behind the moment of stocks. I have deeply analyzed with many technical indicator with parameter and added to my amibroker afl. And even taken backtest report which is never being implemented. Any of the analyst expect me. Seeing all this you may understand that my views is more technical than commercial. If you are profited by my views I fill happy.

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