The BSE Sensex and Nifty jumped over 1 per cent on hopes of further rate cut by the Reserve Bank of India in its next monetary policy on June 2.While the 30-share Sensex closed 1.33 per cent higher at 27,687.30, the 50-share Nifty ended the day's trade at 8,373.65 - up 1.35 per cent from its previous close.Overall market breadth remained strong on the Bombay Stock Exchange as 1,675 stocks ended with gains while 1,046 closed with losses. Advances to decline ratio for Nifty remained at 46:3."Expectation of further rate cut by RBI coupled with rise in petrol and diesel prices uplift market mood on Monday,
NSENIFTY closed up 111.301 at 8,373.650. Volume was 8% below average (neutral) and Bollinger Bands were 30% narrower than normal.
- Open High Low Close Volume___
- 8,284.9508,384.6008,271.9508,373.650 153,340,464
- Technical Outlook
- Short Term: Neutral
- Intermediate Term: Bearish
- Long Term: Bullish
- Moving Averages: 10-period 50-period 200-period
- Close: 8,221.84 8,509.90 8,294.21
- Volatility: 29 21 17
- Volume: 152,664,944 156,600,416 149,601,984
NSENIFTY is currently 1.0% above its 200-period moving average and is in an downward trend. Volatility is extremely high when compared to the average volatility over the last 10 periods. There is a good possibility that volatility will decrease and prices will stabilize in the near term. Our volume indicators reflect volume flowing into and out of NSENIFTY at a relatively equal pace (neutral). Our trend forecasting oscillators are currently bearish on NSENIFTY and have had this outlook for the last 19 periods.
BANKNIFTY closed up 239.799 at 18,422.949. Volume was 22% below average (neutral) and Bollinger Bands were 33% narrower than normal.
- Open High Low Close Volume___
- 18,274.60018,439.69918,213.75018,422.949 46,167,236
- Technical Outlook
- Short Term: Neutral
- Intermediate Term: Bullish
- Long Term: Bullish
- Moving Averages: 10-period 50-period 200-period
- Close: 18,009.27 18,495.12 17,594.97
- Volatility: 42 29 26
- Volume: 66,048,984 54,837,760 42,829,772
BANKNIFTY is currently 4.7% above its 200-period moving average and is in an upward trend. Volatility is extremely high when compared to the average volatility over the last 10 periods. There is a good possibility that volatility will decrease and prices will stabilize in the near term. Our volume indicators reflect volume flowing into and out of BANKNIFTY at a relatively equal pace (neutral). Our trend forecasting oscillators are currently bullish on BANKNIFTY and have had this outlook for the last 0 periods. Our momentum oscillator has set a new 14-period high while the security price has not. This is a bullish divergence.
GOLDBEES closed up 24.950 at 2,531.500. Volume was 64% above average (neutral) and Bollinger Bands were 22% narrower than normal.
- Open High Low Close Volume___
- 2,507.5002,535.0002,507.5002,531.500 25,043
- Technical Outlook
- Short Term: Overbought
- Intermediate Term: Bullish
- Long Term: Bullish
- Moving Averages: 10-period 50-period 200-period
- Close: 2,481.19 2,439.79 2,488.27
- Volatility: 10 14 14
- Volume: 14,872 15,313 18,770
GOLDBEES is currently 1.7% above its 200-period moving average and is in an upward trend. Volatility is relatively normal as compared to the average volatility over the last 10 periods. Our volume indicators reflect very strong flows of volume into GOLDBEES (bullish). Our trend forecasting oscillators are currently bullish on GOLDBEES and have had this outlook for the last 30 periods.
MCX closed down -12.300 at 1,093.150. Volume was 45% below average (neutral) and Bollinger Bands were 12% narrower than normal.
- Open High Low Close Volume___
- 1,106.9001,120.0001,086.0001,093.150 317,537
- Technical Outlook
- Short Term: Neutral
- Intermediate Term: Bearish
- Long Term: Bullish
- Moving Averages: 10-period 50-period 200-period
- Close: 1,025.16 1,111.60 914.33
- Volatility: 70 52 51
- Volume: 372,479 445,488 715,129
MCX is currently 19.6% above its 200-period moving average and is in an downward trend. Volatility is extremely high when compared to the average volatility over the last 10 periods. There is a good possibility that volatility will decrease and prices will stabilize in the near term. Our volume indicators reflect moderate flows of volume into MCX (mildly bullish). Our trend forecasting oscillators are currently bearish on MCX and have had this outlook for the last 27 periods.
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