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Sunday, 1 March 2015

Weekly New high and New low screen stock update on 27 February 2015

Weekly New high Weekly New Low
Ticker Date/Time High Close Volome Ticker Date/Time Low Close Volome
ROLTA 27/02/2015 179.15 177.25 54916580 RASOYPR 27/02/2015 0.4 0.4 74766144
TEXRAIL 27/02/2015 171 149.95 47144804 PNB 27/02/2015 158.45 166.15 30821648
MOSERBAER 27/02/2015 18.25 16.35 33868356 MERCATOR 27/02/2015 16.5 19.9 8720360
KALINDEE 27/02/2015 171.95 140.35 29673988 SHARONBIO 27/02/2015 15.6 16.95 4142784
CENTRALBK 27/02/2015 120.6 102.8 23691336 HATHWAY 27/02/2015 49.9 51.9 2574472
TWL 27/02/2015 723.8 640.4 20414284 TI 27/02/2015 24.55 24.9 2006861
INDOSOLAR 27/02/2015 19.8 19.6 17816852 ESSDEE 27/02/2015 192.4 193.8 1102397
HDFC 27/02/2015 1374.2 1347.4 15301570 VENUSREM 27/02/2015 142.25 144.2 683118
HBLPOWER 27/02/2015 60 55.8 14852734 UTTAMVALUE 27/02/2015 5.4 5.5 649456
POWERGRID 27/02/2015 157.75 157.1 14469979 GEINDSYS 27/02/2015 18.8 20.4 390977
MIRZAINT 27/02/2015 101.5 90 11684821 JINDCOT 27/02/2015 10.3 10.65 257846
WOCKPHARMA 27/02/2015 1616.25 1584.35 11593768 OMNITECH 27/02/2015 7.05 7.7 239729
FORTIS 27/02/2015 162.5 160.85 10545579 SPYL 27/02/2015 1 1.1 203082
ADANIENT 27/02/2015 719.45 711.35 10385134 DPL 27/02/2015 49.5 58.15 156253
LUPIN 27/02/2015 1745.15 1737.5 10020129 PLETHICO 27/02/2015 33.4 33.9 147719
IBSEC 27/02/2015 41.35 40.1 8465515 CAMLINFINE 27/02/2015 78.1 90.5 143778
HEXAWARE 27/02/2015 275 271.75 7664222 DBSTOCKBRO 27/02/2015 45.75 48.85 117834
SPARC 27/02/2015 406.8 381.25 7630237 RAMANEWS 27/02/2015 6.25 6.55 94939
TAKE 27/02/2015 151.7 144.4 7334692 GODFRYPHLP 27/02/2015 462 480.05 60995
BHARATFORG 27/02/2015 1317 1249 6456971 HIKAL 27/02/2015 143.7 145.05 52994
MCX 27/02/2015 1081 1054.35 6183649 GARDENSILK 27/02/2015 27.45 27.85 49460
TATAELXSI 27/02/2015 1089 1060.9 5308474 PREMIER 27/02/2015 46.5 47.8 32187
OBEROIRLTY 27/02/2015 334 321.9 4960082 THIRUSUGAR 27/02/2015 34 38 25756
LGBFORGE 27/02/2015 7.25 6.1 4370092 DICIND 27/02/2015 327.2 335.5 23726
MAXWELL 27/02/2015 59.25 52.75 4160904 KOTAKGOLD 27/02/2015 1990.9 2414.3 13994
MADHUCON 27/02/2015 56.8 50.5 4011212 BROADCAST 27/02/2015 3 3.3 12623
INFINITE 27/02/2015 231.9 208 3923838 PRECOT 27/02/2015 58.65 60 11609
CENTURYPLY 27/02/2015 230.8 226.8 3802621
ACC 27/02/2015 1705 1673.45 3666362
AXISCADES 27/02/2015 278.85 258.15 3489416
IL&FSENGG 27/02/2015 115.7 105.05 3242405
MASTEK 27/02/2015 457 425.55 3237979
SIEMENS 27/02/2015 1368.5 1327.7 3079498
BPL 27/02/2015 40.9 36.6 3041784
PRISMCEM 27/02/2015 119.6 112.1 2811505
POCHIRAJU 27/02/2015 70.5 66.55 2267387
KOLTEPATIL 27/02/2015 221.65 218.25 2214388
BFINVEST 27/02/2015 189 179.55 2064983
GOODLUCK 27/02/2015 86.5 83.6 1979686
SRIPIPES 27/02/2015 134.5 132.7 1968799
SCHNEIDER 27/02/2015 196.95 191.95 1853265
LOGIXMICRO 27/02/2015 41.85 41.85 1800581
CELESTIAL 27/02/2015 70 65.85 1755287
JUBLFOOD 27/02/2015 1719.1 1658.1 1698630
CCHHL 27/02/2015 16.9 15.2 1658373
RALLIS 27/02/2015 260.8 257.6 1380861
PEL 27/02/2015 948 906.35 1365260
OCL 27/02/2015 668 486.5 1338483
CONCOR 27/02/2015 1650 1554.7 1143753
SFCL 27/02/2015 179 164.15 1114324
ITDCEM 27/02/2015 697.35 654.95 1110559
ADVANTA 27/02/2015 443 406.3 1056550
KRBL 27/02/2015 144.95 143.95 979818
IFBIND 27/02/2015 560 509.75 880509
MARALOVER 27/02/2015 32.85 32.25 817250
ASHIANA 27/02/2015 327.7 301 747782
CAPF 27/02/2015 431.4 414.05 714170
FINCABLES 27/02/2015 285.3 272.95 700795
WEBELSOLAR 27/02/2015 41.75 39.5 657891
TGBHOTELS 27/02/2015 103.95 92.4 604543
SANGHVIFOR 27/02/2015 58.5 54.3 472619
LOKESHMACH 27/02/2015 56.2 50.9 468826
CIMMCO 27/02/2015 91.8 77.75 466127
AIL 27/02/2015 772 669.75 462450
KPRMILL 27/02/2015 528 518.95 330218
SMLISUZU 27/02/2015 1142 1015.3 329858
WABAG 27/02/2015 1824 1814 316105
HTMEDIA 27/02/2015 145.1 133.8 282639
TECHNOFAB 27/02/2015 188.5 166.55 275191
SWELECTES 27/02/2015 668 643.4 251986
SAMBHAAV 27/02/2015 3.15 3.15 244441
PITTILAM 27/02/2015 125.15 112.5 224544
ISFT 27/02/2015 259.4 259.4 208626
RAMCOSYS 27/02/2015 643 632.35 203434
SITASHREE 27/02/2015 17.75 16.7 199443
RELAXO 27/02/2015 764 707.55 181847
MBLINFRA 27/02/2015 536.9 532 179589
WILLAMAGOR 27/02/2015 83 66.2 171934
CAPLIPOINT 27/02/2015 851.45 750.4 149741
CHOLAFIN 27/02/2015 597.7 576.85 142769
MMFL 27/02/2015 711 680.8 127218
HONDAPOWER 27/02/2015 1139 1057.55 119492
GILLETTE 27/02/2015 4367 4185.1 115866
VMART 27/02/2015 650 578.8 115387
CENTUM 27/02/2015 920 884.05 91502
SOMANYCERA 27/02/2015 389.35 369.4 86769
SABTN 27/02/2015 262.6 254.7 83118
PETRONENGG 27/02/2015 258 211.55 58761
GULPOLY 27/02/2015 325 281.1 57632
PGIL 27/02/2015 264.9 259.6 55010
KICL 27/02/2015 1923.9 1808.3 29736
JAMNAAUTO 27/02/2015 234 208.95 24872
3MINDIA 27/02/2015 8565 7796.45 5797
HINDCOMPOS 27/02/2015 1450 1273.55 5315
WELINV 27/02/2015 43.4 38.7 3306
KRISHNAENG 27/02/2015 1.4 1.4 2350
APOLSINHOT 27/02/2015 205.4 205.4 1416


Parag Patil is a technical analyst and trading system designer with stock excel programmer. I hope the articles and live chart of nse future and mcx on this Website will be as helpful and profitable to you . I try to update and post new articles tips everyday. My motto is to encourage the traders, so that they should able to understand the technique views behind the moment of stocks. I have deeply analyzed with many technical indicator with parameter and added to my amibroker afl. And even taken backtest report which is never being implemented. Any of the analyst expect me. Seeing all this you may understand that my views is more technical than commercial. If you are profited by my views I fill happy.

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