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Sunday, 22 February 2015

Weekly New high and New low screen stock update on 22 February 2015

Weekly New high Weekly New Low
Ticker Date/Time High Close Volome Ticker Date/Time Low Close Volome
PIPAVAVDOC 19/02/2015 85 79.65 1.12E+08 PNB 19/02/2015 162.2 165.35 16371370
ASHOKLEY 19/02/2015 71.15 70.1 58435332 J&KBANK 19/02/2015 103.7 105 9069335
NSEIT 19/02/2015 12737.1 12723.8 50326432 ARVINDREM 19/02/2015 16.1 19.8 5533152
HDIL 19/02/2015 120.8 115.6 49119664 MONNETISPA 19/02/2015 54.05 56.9 1731851
ITC 19/02/2015 402 389.25 21503988 ZYLOG 19/02/2015 5.25 5.95 800153
HBLPOWER 19/02/2015 50.9 50.25 17259882 HATHWAY 19/02/2015 59.5 61.15 778470
MOSERBAER 19/02/2015 15.7 15.45 15074453 CCHHL 19/02/2015 13.1 15.95 531218
RCF 19/02/2015 74.8 73.25 14317764 SHARONBIO 19/02/2015 19.7 19.7 472459
ASTRAMICRO 19/02/2015 165.8 160.2 13933802 PDPL 19/02/2015 18 21.65 249622
ROLTA 19/02/2015 141.65 138.95 12918663 ZENITHBIR 19/02/2015 0.8 0.85 201774
FCEL 19/02/2015 15.4 15.15 11880329 VENKEYS 19/02/2015 357.7 365.45 122506
IBSEC 19/02/2015 39.8 38.25 7485544 GLODYNE 19/02/2015 2.55 2.75 118368
MIRZAINT 19/02/2015 91 89.25 6930028 DBSTOCKBRO 19/02/2015 49.55 49.95 65647
TAKE 19/02/2015 144.8 139.05 6899718 GREENFIRE 18/02/2015 0.5 0.55 55644
TATAELXSI 19/02/2015 1033.7 998.8 6458291 DPL 19/02/2015 56.35 58.4 50040
MCX 19/02/2015 1010 980.75 6378812 JINDRILL 19/02/2015 144.95 157.55 24859
FORTIS 19/02/2015 151.5 142.7 6269527 PREMIER 19/02/2015 47 48.45 15943
AMBUJACEM 19/02/2015 273 265.05 6167910 OMNITECH 19/02/2015 7.1 7.9 15796
POWERGRID 19/02/2015 155.05 154.3 5924447 DICIND 19/02/2015 335 349.95 12836
TWL 19/02/2015 560.4 551.5 5502040 FCL 19/02/2015 116 127.5 11413
ADANIENT 19/02/2015 701.35 692.25 5344984 SURANACORP 19/02/2015 10.25 10.5 7565
SFCL 19/02/2015 150.35 139.65 5095044 TIMBOR 19/02/2015 3.5 3.5 7428
CHAMBLFERT 19/02/2015 73.45 71.8 5027716 TODAYS 16/02/2015 2 2.1 3531
HEXAWARE 19/02/2015 270 264.35 4705759 GRPLTD 19/02/2015 1225 1397.15 1315
IBULHSGFIN 19/02/2015 650.8 629.8 4589883 KHAITANLTD 19/02/2015 9.9 9.9 409
BHARATFORG 19/02/2015 1280.5 1247.35 4549812 SURANAIND 18/02/2015 31.55 32.15 100
WOCKPHARMA 19/02/2015 1573.5 1502.55 4493916
BEML 19/02/2015 1024 989.35 4220265
CENTURYPLY 19/02/2015 215.75 208.35 4145059
IL&FSENGG 19/02/2015 100.45 92.9 3958418
WIPRO 19/02/2015 671 659.5 3477203
HCLTECH 19/02/2015 2054.7 2048.15 3372406
HINDZINC 19/02/2015 190.5 185.4 3046829
PRISMCEM 19/02/2015 115.9 114.45 2729417
SITICABLE 19/02/2015 37.4 37.05 2412745
AXISCADES 19/02/2015 244 239.6 2410958
LUPIN 19/02/2015 1705.5 1686.5 2399706
DHFL 19/02/2015 518.8 488.6 1721181
BEL 19/02/2015 4144.9 3837.1 1643263
POCHIRAJU 19/02/2015 53.65 50.2 1436592
SCHNEIDER 19/02/2015 185.75 179.3 1351881
SRTRANSFIN 19/02/2015 1284.45 1227.8 1279785
MARICO 19/02/2015 374.35 353.3 1272292
NAVNETEDUL 19/02/2015 118.7 116.65 1191078
ACC 19/02/2015 1665 1615.15 1136864
PIIND 19/02/2015 631.9 618.15 1127617
JUBLFOOD 19/02/2015 1695 1625.55 1040605
SIEMENS 19/02/2015 1277 1271.3 1040401
DLINKINDIA 19/02/2015 195 181.55 1015172
SRIPIPES 19/02/2015 123.2 118.35 842686
REPRO 19/02/2015 429.9 402.95 758736
LYKALABS 19/02/2015 46.6 44.35 722457
TGBHOTELS 19/02/2015 101.6 96.8 678542
ARROWTEX 19/02/2015 39.95 36.4 632826
ABB 19/02/2015 1526.3 1423.05 567680
TIMKEN 19/02/2015 570 543.2 562866
BRITANNIA 19/02/2015 2099.95 2081.1 561992
GODREJPROP 19/02/2015 309.5 304.4 545520
CCHHL 19/02/2015 16.5 15.95 531218
HTMEDIA 19/02/2015 143 139.75 362972
GOLDINFRA 19/02/2015 19.5 19.25 298183
ZENSARTECH 19/02/2015 754 732.5 288594
JKCEMENT 19/02/2015 756 731.4 286254
TECHNO 19/02/2015 448.7 426.05 283192
RAMCOSYS 19/02/2015 630 616.95 274979
MAKE 19/02/2015 1544 1495.45 268356
BOSCHLTD 19/02/2015 27398.9 26201.85 264468
HINDUJAVEN 19/02/2015 399 376.3 245775
MBLINFRA 19/02/2015 500 471.25 239336
AJANTPHARM 19/02/2015 2850 2733.6 226149
EICHERMOT 19/02/2015 17200 16640.4 213194
ASHIANA 19/02/2015 261.4 255.95 201766
TREEHOUSE 19/02/2015 559 483.6 182617
PETRONENGG 19/02/2015 229 218 174741
BAJAJFINSV 19/02/2015 1546.05 1467.25 169619
AIL 19/02/2015 762 739.7 168817
DYNAMATECH 19/02/2015 2794.4 2733 159594
MMFL 19/02/2015 684.8 676.05 153502
WEBELSOLAR 19/02/2015 38.4 36.8 151496
ISFT 19/02/2015 193.65 193.65 146997
TIIL 19/02/2015 253 240.55 142834
CAPLIPOINT 19/02/2015 787.55 772.35 139868
SANGHVIMOV 19/02/2015 261.25 259.45 134890
THERMAX 19/02/2015 1268.35 1249.45 130212
SHREYAS 19/02/2015 494 470.55 120091
INDTERRAIN 19/02/2015 660.9 632.55 111458
SOMANYCERA 19/02/2015 386.95 360.9 103337
GILLETTE 19/02/2015 4278.8 4000.45 101117
SWELECTES 19/02/2015 612 589.9 100245
GULPOLY 19/02/2015 294 286.95 89285
HITECHGEAR 19/02/2015 359.75 353.8 85061
CENTUM 19/02/2015 885 873.25 83795
AGCNET 19/02/2015 117 113.5 76431
RATNAMANI 19/02/2015 805.45 760.9 75893
JSWHL 19/02/2015 1083.3 1062.2 75732
CHESLINTEX 19/02/2015 10 9.85 74338
CANTABIL 19/02/2015 52.7 49.5 54067
AARTIDRUGS 19/02/2015 1378 1331.8 51712
SITASHREE 19/02/2015 16 14.9 32122
WABCOINDIA 19/02/2015 5444 5259.45 22889
TARMAT 19/02/2015 36.05 31 17810
SOLARINDS 19/02/2015 3409 3236.35 13810
SGFL 19/02/2015 5.35 4.45 8543
3MINDIA 19/02/2015 8274.9 8068.3 8143
NORBTEAEXP 19/02/2015 7.55 6.75 6396


Parag Patil is a technical analyst and trading system designer with stock excel programmer. I hope the articles and live chart of nse future and mcx on this Website will be as helpful and profitable to you . I try to update and post new articles tips everyday. My motto is to encourage the traders, so that they should able to understand the technique views behind the moment of stocks. I have deeply analyzed with many technical indicator with parameter and added to my amibroker afl. And even taken backtest report which is never being implemented. Any of the analyst expect me. Seeing all this you may understand that my views is more technical than commercial. If you are profited by my views I fill happy.

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