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Sunday, 15 February 2015

Weekly New high and New low screen stock update on 15 February 2015

Weekly New high Weekly New Low
Ticker Date/Time High Close Volome Ticker Date/Time Low Close Volome
HDIL 13/02/2015 117.9 110.1 91116712 SBIN 13/02/2015 275.7 306.95 148542224
PIPAVAVDOC 13/02/2015 74.5 65.35 86874576 ICICIBANK 13/02/2015 316.4 343.85 76966592
NSEIT 13/02/2015 12506.7 12464.95 70276192 JPPOWER 13/02/2015 10.4 10.65 40104184
FORTIS 13/02/2015 146.3 138.9 32379852 PNB 13/02/2015 164.25 167.65 30417002
POWERGRID 13/02/2015 152.7 151.5 15868888 RPOWER 13/02/2015 54.95 59.2 28936704
WOCKPHARMA 13/02/2015 1560 1520.25 15196713 RCOM 13/02/2015 66.5 72.05 28159816
SPARC 13/02/2015 404.95 387.1 12141000 REIAGROLTD 13/02/2015 0.7 0.9 22642192
HEXAWARE 13/02/2015 260.85 258.75 11769414 J&KBANK 13/02/2015 105.5 110.15 16091645
ADANIENT 13/02/2015 689.7 671.9 11708326 JKTYRE 13/02/2015 103.1 124.55 15578599
UPL 13/02/2015 447.75 429.6 10047240 RENUKA 13/02/2015 14.9 15.4 13208363
WIPRO 13/02/2015 663.9 660.7 9558861 GUJNRECOKE 13/02/2015 4.6 5 12846354
TAKE 13/02/2015 123.95 122.3 8093764 HAVELLS 13/02/2015 240.05 269.7 10067905
AMBUJACEM 13/02/2015 266 265.1 7558486 GITANJALI 13/02/2015 46 52.3 5865614
WALCHANNAG 13/02/2015 281.7 268.2 6860249 TATACOFFEE 13/02/2015 85.1 94 3830907
DABUR 13/02/2015 276.9 272.25 6585011 ARVINDREM 13/02/2015 19.2 19.35 3454476
HINDZINC 13/02/2015 184.5 176 5185148 CORPBANK 13/02/2015 59.3 64.05 3117007
HCLTECH 13/02/2015 2009.5 1992.95 5062704 SHARONBIO 13/02/2015 22.5 22.85 2988583
BHARATFORG 13/02/2015 1209.4 1188.15 4745779 BERGEPAINT 13/02/2015 198.55 213.6 2843604
BEML 13/02/2015 982.8 922.85 3969322 IPCALAB 13/02/2015 592.1 680.85 1875244
SONATSOFTW 13/02/2015 157 145.85 3939772 A2ZINFRA 13/02/2015 13.6 13.95 1791561
TATAELXSI 13/02/2015 893.55 869.7 3560349 MONNETISPA 13/02/2015 55.5 56.5 1167116
CENTURYPLY 13/02/2015 210.25 208.3 3154872 ESSDEE 13/02/2015 217 248.45 1103248
LUPIN 13/02/2015 1692.15 1679.45 3114398 NAKODA 13/02/2015 1.6 1.95 783883
MIRCELECTR 13/02/2015 13.5 12.25 3104765 STERLINBIO 13/02/2015 5.7 5.8 716929
ACC 13/02/2015 1637.55 1625.05 2752859 HATHWAY 13/02/2015 60.05 62.95 705135
SADBHAV 13/02/2015 341 320.4 2664877 JAYSREETEA 13/02/2015 77 84.5 667617
JUBLFOOD 13/02/2015 1641.15 1623.1 2249698 ABGSHIP 13/02/2015 187.65 197 630112
SRTRANSFIN 13/02/2015 1272 1260 2062724 BRANDHOUSE 13/02/2015 1.15 1.45 622205
GEOJITBNPP 13/02/2015 56 53.65 2046120 ZYLOG 13/02/2015 5.45 5.75 554601
TRITURBINE 13/02/2015 127.55 122.6 1998481 VIKASGLOB 13/02/2015 5.95 6.9 551043
MAKE 13/02/2015 1535.8 1463.1 1892277 VENKEYS 13/02/2015 367.5 373.15 495329
IL&FSENGG 13/02/2015 83.5 74.8 1802719 SELAN 13/02/2015 273.45 301.75 460566
SIEMENS 13/02/2015 1208 1203.7 1605952 SHRENUJ 13/02/2015 42.2 48.35 434535
BRITANNIA 13/02/2015 2040 2022.9 1574565 UTTAMSTL 13/02/2015 60.1 62.25 228634
JYOTHYLAB 13/02/2015 314.9 299.9 1366488 MUKTAARTS 13/02/2015 18.2 20.75 226694
BEL 13/02/2015 3730 3620.55 1166566 JINDCOT 13/02/2015 10.35 10.75 190842
BAJAJCORP 13/02/2015 486 458 1144771 GLOBUSSPR 13/02/2015 58.1 60.3 174920
EMAMILTD 13/02/2015 1045.9 1016.8 1043649 ADHUNIK 13/02/2015 19.4 19.75 167458
PIIND 13/02/2015 600 573.95 998305 DBSTOCKBRO 13/02/2015 49.65 49.8 139086
ARROWTEX 13/02/2015 39.2 36.35 970248 CCHHL 13/02/2015 13.5 14.5 121025
ABB 13/02/2015 1407.95 1375.8 965029 BILENERGY 13/02/2015 0.85 1.15 117073
KAJARIACER 13/02/2015 826.65 808.75 930677 FCL 13/02/2015 118.55 124.85 116406
LYKALABS 13/02/2015 45 43.35 924110 MINDACORP 13/02/2015 70.2 94.4 113467
GODREJCP 13/02/2015 1203.9 1177.85 897811 PANAMAPET 13/02/2015 49.2 56.75 93267
ASAHIINDIA 13/02/2015 153.9 142.7 708671 GLODYNE 13/02/2015 2.6 2.75 92016
GODREJPROP 13/02/2015 303 295.85 670546 NAHARSPING 13/02/2015 85.1 91.8 84801
TIIL 13/02/2015 252 241.5 578576 ONELIFECAP 13/02/2015 108 110.1 76753
ENIL 13/02/2015 642 620.2 564902 GODFRYPHLP 13/02/2015 481 500.5 73176
ASHIANA 13/02/2015 257.5 255.35 479490 PDPL 13/02/2015 18.75 19.1 69026
BOSCHLTD 13/02/2015 26599.2 24946.45 470819 GARDENSILK 13/02/2015 28.05 29.8 49583
ISFT 13/02/2015 182.75 167.35 389565 TIRUMALCHM 13/02/2015 77.1 80.3 48705
MMFL 13/02/2015 647.9 643.95 315005 PREMIER 13/02/2015 47.15 48.6 47501
SIMPLEXINF 13/02/2015 427 404.3 303080 LAMBODHARA 13/02/2015 130.05 138.55 47412
GILLETTE 13/02/2015 4163.15 4163.15 299834 SPYL 13/02/2015 1.15 1.45 45229
RAMCOSYS 13/02/2015 570 560.35 295657 DPL 13/02/2015 60.2 61.5 40148
ORIENTREF 13/02/2015 125 110.5 289749 THIRUSUGAR 13/02/2015 34.4 37.65 37140
WHEELS 13/02/2015 1606 1543.6 285429 TIMBOR 13/02/2015 3.65 3.65 36224
KPRMILL 13/02/2015 479.7 471 278243 JINDRILL 13/02/2015 151 159.55 32794
CAPLIPOINT 13/02/2015 706.95 706.95 256857 DICIND 13/02/2015 335.1 338.75 21741
SUPREMEIND 13/02/2015 697 691.25 227901 RUCHINFRA 13/02/2015 8.7 9.2 18416
JKIL 13/02/2015 584.05 558.85 208989 OMNITECH 13/02/2015 7.4 8 14909
BAJAJFINSV 13/02/2015 1540 1510.85 207602 GULPOLY 13/02/2015 206 216.55 9434
SUNDARMFIN 13/02/2015 1624.4 1549.7 174208 TECHIN 13/02/2015 4.55 4.75 5123
OCL 13/02/2015 595 572.25 154362 SURANACORP 13/02/2015 10.3 10.9 2425
GRINDWELL 13/02/2015 724.25 690.65 147664 AGRITECH 13/02/2015 5.8 5.8 2169
MRF 13/02/2015 41782 40585.5 127579 GISOLUTION 09/02/2015 2.8 2.8 1000
SITASHREE 13/02/2015 15.85 15.35 126495 SURANAIND 13/02/2015 32.75 32.75 424
SANGHVIMOV 13/02/2015 236 230.1 123315 UNITEDTEA 13/02/2015 190 204.1 114
AGCNET 13/02/2015 107.5 106.1 122657
FCL 13/02/2015 277.1 124.85 116406
DTIL 13/02/2015 289.7 267.45 112267
JSWHL 13/02/2015 1055.05 1005.95 102752
SHREYAS 13/02/2015 449.65 448.1 91578
CENTUM 13/02/2015 853.9 826.85 85849
CERA 13/02/2015 2895 2803.65 71702
JUNIORBEES 13/02/2015 200 196.34 68179
SGFL 13/02/2015 5.1 5.1 65501
PGHH 13/02/2015 7319 6897.2 62893
SATHAISPAT 13/02/2015 50.1 45.95 48952
HONAUT 13/02/2015 9500 9378.95 32260
ICRA 13/02/2015 3918.6 3643.95 23358
WEIZMANIND 13/02/2015 16.8 15.2 14367
MALUPAPER 13/02/2015 14.85 13 11458
3MINDIA 13/02/2015 7199.95 7100.5 5118
ICNX100 13/02/2015 106 87.68 752


Parag Patil is a technical analyst and trading system designer with stock excel programmer. I hope the articles and live chart of nse future and mcx on this Website will be as helpful and profitable to you . I try to update and post new articles tips everyday. My motto is to encourage the traders, so that they should able to understand the technique views behind the moment of stocks. I have deeply analyzed with many technical indicator with parameter and added to my amibroker afl. And even taken backtest report which is never being implemented. Any of the analyst expect me. Seeing all this you may understand that my views is more technical than commercial. If you are profited by my views I fill happy.

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