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Thursday, 26 February 2015

India Okays 15,000 MW Grid-Connected Solar PV Power Plants

Successful completion of additional 15,000 MW capacity of Grid-connected solar PV power generation projects under the National Solar Mission would accelerate the process of achieving grid tariff parity for solar.The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, on Thursday gave its approval for the implementation of the scheme for setting up of 15,000 MW of Grid-connected Solar PV Power projects under the National Solar Mission through NTPC/ NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited (NVVN) in three tranches. 
            It is estimated that implementation of Tranche-l of the scheme will entail total investment of over Rs.18,000 crore, all of which will be met by project developers, mainly private. A Payment Security Mechanism / Working Capital Fund with an estimated corpus of Rs. 2300 crore to cover 3 months payment for bundled capacity of 3000 MW of Solar Capacity with 1500 MW NTPC Coal Power, will be set up to ensure bankability of PPAs and timely payment to developers. This will be evolved through collaborative efforts of Government of India and Solar Project Developers. The modalities for setting up of Payment Security Mechanism / Working Capital Fund will be finalized subsequently. Accruals from encashment of Bank Guarantees, penalties on developers, etc. will also go into this fund. Some capacity will be earmarked out of the total procurement under this scheme with provisions of domestically manufactured solar cells as well as modules. The quantity to be fixed with Domestic Content Requirement (DCR) in each tender will be prescribed by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) based on the prevailing market conditions from time to time. Bids received under both the categories (one with DCR requirement and the other without any such requirement) will be evaluated and successful bidders selected independently. Further, this DCR will also be technology agnostic that is applied on both the crystalline silicon and thin film SPV cells and modules. The first Phase of the National Solar Mission (2010-2013) had a target of 1100 MW for Grid-connected solar power generation capacity, against which 1685 MW was set up in the country under various schemes. Further capacity addition of 9,000 MW comprising 3,000 MW under Central schemes and 6,000 MW under State initiatives/ other mechanisms was envisaged in the second phase of the Mission (April 2013-March 2017).


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