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Sunday, 7 September 2014

Trend Detection Afl - 1 for amibroker

Trend Detection Afl - 1 for amibroker


//Coding by rmike
p=Param("RSI Periods", 14, 2, 100,1);


TD=A<=A1 AND B<=B1;

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) )
+ EncodeColor(colorYellow) + "\nTrend Interpretation - " + EncodeColor(colorGreen) + WriteIf(TU,"TREND UP","") + EncodeColor(colorRed) + WriteIf(TD,"TREND DOWN","" )
+ EncodeColor(colorPaleGreen) + WriteIf(TSU,"TREND SIDEWAYS TO UP","" ) + EncodeColor(colorPink) + WriteIf(TSD,"TREND SIDEWAYS TO DOWN","" ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 

if( ParamToggle("Chart Type", "Trend Bacground|Trend Ribbon" ) ) 
 Plot( 2, "", IIf( TU, colorGreen, IIf( TD, colorRed, IIf(TSU, colorLime, IIf(TSD, colorPink, Null )))), styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );
 Plot( 1, "", IIf( TU, colorGreen, IIf( TD, colorRed, IIf(TSU, colorLime, IIf(TSD, colorPink, Null )))), styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, 0, 1 );

shape = CrossB * shapeUpArrow + CrossS * shapeDownArrow;

_SECTION_BEGIN("tboly varázs afl");
SetChartOptions(0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates);
// ****************  INITIAL CONDITIONS:
bi = BarIndex() - 1;
//  ************************************** ADAPTIVE PERIODS ***********************
// ****************  BASE PERIODS
tf = Param("tf", 1, 1, 500, 1);
bp = tf * Param("bp", 4, 2, 500, 1);
// ************************************************************
HiHi = HHV(H, bp);
HiRH = Ref(HiHi,  - 1);
LoLw = LLV(L, bp);
LoRL = Ref(LoLw,  - 1); // long exit
//Plot(  HiHi, "H",  colorCustom12  , 1);
//Plot(  LoLw, "L",  colorCustom9 , 1);
//Plot(  Lorl, "L",  colorBlue , 32);
//Plot(  Hirh, "H",  colorRed  , 32);
bs = BarsSince(H == HiHi); // Promt 
bl = BarsSince(L == LoLw); // Promt
LtHL = ValueWhen(bs > bl, HiHi);
StLH = ValueWhen(bs < bl, LoLw);
BarLthl = BarsSince(bs < bl AND Hirh == Lthl);
BarStLH = BarsSince(bs > bl AND Lorl == Stlh);
PlotShapes(IIf(bs > bl AND Ref(bs,  - 1) < Ref(bl,  - 1), shapeSmallDownTriangle, 0), colorRed, layer = 0, yposition = H, offset =  - 10);
PlotShapes(IIf(bs < bl AND Ref(bs,  - 1) > Ref(bl,  - 1), shapeSmallUpTriangle, 0), colorBlue, layer = 0, yposition = L, offset =  - 10);
BarloSl = IIf(BarStLH > BarLthl, BarLthl + 1, 0);
BarshSl = IIf(BarStLH < BarLthl, Barstlh + 1, 0);
LoLL = LLV(L, bl + 1);
//Plot( IIf(  bl > 0 , LoLL,  Null) ,  "",  colorBlue,  1 );
LoH = HHV(H, bl + 1);
Plot(IIf(bl > 0, LoH, Null), "", colorCustom9, 1); // Range sign
ShHH = HHV(H, bs + 1);
//Plot( IIf(  bs > 0 , ShHH,  Null) ,  "",  colorRed,   1); 
ShL = LLV(L, bs + 1);
Plot(IIf(bs > 0, ShL, Null), "", colorCustom12, 1); // Range sign
// ************************ NOISE   ********************************
//Noise= MA( HHV(H,bp/6)-LLV(L,bp/6) ,bp);
// ********************** NOISE HL1 *******************************
np = Param("np", 2, 2, 500, 1);
NoHL = H - L;
NoHLMa = MA(Nohl, np);
mpHL1 = NoHL / NoHLMa;
// ********************** NOISE HL2 *******************************
Noise = HHV(H, 2 *tf) - LLV(L, 2 *tf);
NoiseMa = MA(Noise, np);
momHL = NoHL / NoiseMa;
momLo = momHL >= 1 AND C > O;
momSh = momHL >= 1 AND C < O;
momlb = 1100; //Param("momlb",100,2,2500,1);
momst = Sum(IIf(momHL >= 1, 1, 0), momlb) / momlb * 100;
//PlotShapes(IIf(momlo,shapeSmallCircle,0),colorBlue, layer = 0, yposition= H, offset =  15 );
//PlotShapes(IIf(momsh,shapeSmallCircle,0),colorRed, layer = 0, yposition =L, offset = - 15 );
mpnma = Noise / NoiseMa;
mpn = Param("mpnoise", 0.85, 0, 3, 0.025);
HLVlsl2 = LLV(L + noisema * mpn *(1+log10(bs + 1)), bs + 1);
Plot(IIf(bs > 0, Ref(Min(Hlvlsl2, shhh),  - 1), Null), "Sh", colorBlue, 1); // Range sign + noise
//Plot(  Ref(Min(Hlvlsl2,shhh),-1) ,  "Sh",  colorBlue,  1); // Range sign + noise
Plot(IIf(bs > 0, (Ref(Min(Hlvlsl2, shhh),  - 1) + shl) / 2, Null), "Shf", colorBlue, 32);
HLVlsl = HHV(H - noisema * mpn *(1+log10(bl + 1)), bl + 1);
Plot(IIf(bl > 0, Ref(Max(HLvlsl, Loll),  - 1), Null), "Lo", colorRed, 1); // Range sign-noise
//Plot(  Ref(Max(HLvlsl,Loll),-1)   ,  "Lo",  colorRed,  1); // Range sign-noise
Plot(IIf(bl > 0, (Ref(Max(HLvlsl, Loll),  - 1) + Loh) / 2, Null), "Lo", colorRed, 32);
//  ********************  HL2 NOISE BASE LG  ****************************************
RHAb = (ShHH - LoLL);
//Plot( (H+L)/2+Ref(MA(H-L,bp),-1)/2,"",colorBlack,1);
//Plot( (H+L)/2-Ref(MA(H-L,bp),-1)/2,"",colorBlack,1);
dHLNoise = IIf((bs > 0 AND Ref(Hlvlsl2,  - 1) < Ref(shhh,  - 1))AND(bl > 0 AND Ref(HLvlsl,  - 1) > Ref(Loll,  - 1)), 
(Ref(Min(Hlvlsl2, shhh),  - 1) - Ref(Max(HLvlsl, Loll),  - 1)) / (noisema *mpn), 0);
//  **********************************************************************************************************
//   ****************************  BUY/SELL CONDITIONS ******************************************************
Buy =   bl>0 AND L< Ref(Max(HLvlsl,Loll),-1) AND H >Ref(Max(HLvlsl,Loll),-1)  ;
//BuyPrice= LFLong  ;
Sell=  bs>0 AND  H> Ref(Min(Hlvlsl2,shhh),-1) AND L< Ref(Min(Hlvlsl2,shhh),-1)    ;
//SellPrice= LFShort ;
// ****************  FLIP CONDITIONS
//Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);                                                        
//Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy,shapeUpArrow,0),colorBlue, layer = 0, yposition= Low, offset = - 10 );
//PlotShapes(IIf(Sell,shapeHollowDownArrow,0),colorRed, layer = 0, yposition =High, offset = - 25 );
//   ****************************  SHORT/SELL CONDITIONS ******************************************************
PlotShapes(IIf(Short,shapeDownArrow,0),colorRed, layer = 0, yposition =High, offset = - 10 );
//PlotShapes(IIf(Cover ,shapeHollowUpArrow,0),colorBlue, layer = 0, yposition= Low, offset = - 25 );
//  ************************** PLOT CANDLE ***********************
Plot( Close, "",
IIf( (L > LFLong  AND  LFLongL  < LFLongS)   , colorBlue,
IIf( (H < LFShort AND !LFShortL < LFShortS)   , colorRed,
//IIf(    LFLongL   < LFLongS  AND !LFShortL < LFShortS , colorBlack,
//AND LFShortL < LFShortS AND !LFLongL < LFLongS
colorBlack)) , styleCandle );
//OR (LFShort> LFLong  AND L>LFShort)
//OR (LFShort> LFLong  AND H
//  ************************** PLOT RIBBON
Plot(1, "", 
IIf(bl < bs, colorRed, 
IIf(bl > bs, colorBlue, 
styleOwnScale | styleArea | styleNoLabel,  - 0.5, 100);
Plot( 2,  "",
IIf(   bl > 0    , colorBlue,
//IIf(   bl > bs AND L< Ref(Max(HLvlsl,Loll),-1) AND H
styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );
// ***************************  TITLE ****************************
Title = 
StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", 
O, H, L, C, SelectedValue(ROC(C, 1)))
 + " \\c29 \np = \\c-1" + WriteVal(bp, 1) + " \\c29 Barindex = \\c-1" + WriteVal(bi, 1)
 + " \\c32 \nMom = \\c-1" + WriteVal(MomHL, 1.2) + " \\c32 Mom% = \\c-1" + WriteVal(Momst, 1.2)
 + " \\c32 \nNoise = \\c-1" + WriteVal(noise, 1.4) + " \\c32 Noisema = \\c-1" + WriteVal(noisema, 1.4)
 + " \\c32 mpNoise = \\c-1" + WriteVal(mpnma, 1.2)
 + " \\c29 \nNoiHL = \\c-1" + WriteVal(noHL, 1.4) + " \\c29 NoiHLma = \\c-1" + WriteVal(noHLma, 1.4)
 + " \\c29 mpNoiHL = \\c-1" + WriteVal(mpHL1, 1.2)
 + " \\c29 \nL = \\c-1" + WriteVal(bl, 1) + " \\c29 Lbp = \\c-1" + WriteVal(bl / bp, 1.1)
 + " \\c32 \nS = \\c-1" + WriteVal(bs, 1) + " \\c32 Sbp = \\c-1" + WriteVal(bs / bp, 1.1)
 + " \\c29 \nBarlong = \\c-1" + WriteVal(barlthl, 1.0) + " \\c32 BarShort = \\c-1" + WriteVal(barstlh, 1.0)
 + " \\c32 BarTrRange = \\c-1" + WriteVal(bl - bs, 1.0)
 + " \\c32 \nRHAb = \\c-1" + WriteVal(RHAb, 1.2) + " \\c32 R%Top = \\c-1" + WriteVal( - RHAb / ShHH * 100, 1.2)
 + " \\c29 R%Bot = \\c-1" + WriteVal(RHAb / LoLL * 100, 1.2) + " \\c29 \nRelLoH = \\c-1" + WriteVal(IIf(bl > 0, (H / Ref(L,  - bl) *100-100) / (bl + 1), H / L * 100-100), 1.2)
//+  " \\c29 RelLoL = \\c-1" +  WriteVal(IIf( bl>0, (L/Ref(L,-bl)*100-100)/(bl+1),0 ) ,1.2) +  " \\c29 Lbase = \\c-1"+WriteVal( slg,1.2)
 + " \\c29 RelLoRew = \\c-1" + WriteVal(IIf(bl > 0, ((L / Ref(L,  - bl) *100-100) / (bl + 1)) / ((H / Ref(L,  - bl) *100-100) / (bl + 1)) *100-100, 0), 1.2)
 + " \\c32 \nRelShH = \\c-1" + WriteVal(IIf(bs > 0, (L / Ref(H,  - bs) *100-100) / (bs + 1), L / H * 100-100), 1.2)
 + " \\c32 RelShH = \\c-1" + WriteVal(IIf(bs > 0, (H / Ref(H,  - bs) *100-100) / (bs + 1), 0), 1.2)
 + " \\c32 RelShRew = \\c-1" + WriteVal(IIf(bs > 0, ((H / Ref(H,  - bs) *100-100) / (bs + 1)) / ((L / Ref(H,  - bs) *100-100) / (bs + 1)) *100-100, 0), 1.2)

Plot(6, "", IIf(PDI(7) > MDI(7) AND PDI(7) > 25,colorGreen,IIf (MDI(7) > PDI(7) AND MDI(7) > 25,colorRed,colorYellow)), styleOwnScale| styleArea|styleNoLabel,-0.5,100);

_SECTION_BEGIN("Fibo for all bars");

TimeFrameSet( in15Minute*2 ); 

pd = (O+ DH+ DL + DC )/4;
sd1 = (2*pd)-DH;
sd2 = pd -(DH - DL);
sd3 = Sd1 - (DH-DL); 
rd1 = (2*pd)-DL;
rd2 = pd +(DH -DL);
rd3 = rd1 +(DH-DL);

//Plot (pd,"Pivot",colorBlue,styleDots);
//Plot (rd1," R1 ",35,styleDots);
//Plot (rd2," R2 ",35,styleDots);
//Plot (rd3," R3 ",35,styleDots);

//Plot (sd1," S1 ",4,styleDots);
//Plot (Sd2," S2 ",4,styleDots);
//Plot (Sd3," S3 ",4,8+16);
style = IIf(ParamList("Chart style", "styleCandle|styleBar")=="styleCandle",64,128+4);
Plot (C,Date ()+" close",1,style); //ENABLE THIS TO HAVE CANDLES AS WELL

Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ "" + " - " +  Name() + " - " + EncodeColor(colorRed)+ Interval(2) + EncodeColor(colorWhite) +
 "  - " + Date() +" - "
//+ WriteIf(Col_action==colorGreen, EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"stay LONG","")+ WriteIf(Col_action==colorRed, EncodeColor(colorRed)+"stay SHORT","")+  WriteIf(Col_action==colorBlack, EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"No Trend","")+"\n"
+ "Vol= "+ WriteVal(V) +WriteIf ( V > MA(V,26) ,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"  UP "+ (V/MA(V,26))*100 + " %", EncodeColor(colorRed)+"  DOWN "+ (V/MA(V,26))*100 + " %")
+ EncodeColor(colorGreen)+   "\n R3 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD3
+ EncodeColor(colorGreen)+   "\n R2 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD2
+ EncodeColor(colorGreen)+   "\n R1 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD1+ EncodeColor(colorGreen)+   "`            Hi: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+H
+ EncodeColor(colorBlue)+   "\n Pivot : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+pd + EncodeColor(colorYellow)+   "`   Op: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+O+ EncodeColor(colorAqua)+   "Cl: "+ EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+C
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+   "\n S1 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD1+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+   "`            Lo: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+L
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+   "\n S2 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD2
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+   "\n S3 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD3



Plot( C, "Close", IIf(MACD(3,34) > Signal(3,34,9),colorGreen, colorRed), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 

_SECTION_BEGIN("Fibo for all bars");

TimeFrameSet( in15Minute*2 ); 

pd = (O+ DH+ DL + DC )/4;
sd1 = (2*pd)-DH;
sd2 = pd -(DH - DL);
sd3 = Sd1 - (DH-DL); 
rd1 = (2*pd)-DL;
rd2 = pd +(DH -DL);
rd3 = rd1 +(DH-DL);

//Plot (pd,"Pivot",colorBlue,styleDots);
//Plot (rd1," R1 ",35,styleDots);
//Plot (rd2," R2 ",35,styleDots);
//Plot (rd3," R3 ",35,styleDots);

//Plot (sd1," S1 ",4,styleDots);
//Plot (Sd2," S2 ",4,styleDots);
//Plot (Sd3," S3 ",4,8+16);
style = IIf(ParamList("Chart style", "styleCandle|styleBar")=="styleCandle",64,128+4);
Plot (C,Date ()+" close",1,style); //ENABLE THIS TO HAVE CANDLES AS WELL

Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ "" + " - " +  Name() + " - " + EncodeColor(colorRed)+ Interval(2) + EncodeColor(colorWhite) +
 "  - " + Date() +" - "
//+ WriteIf(Col_action==colorGreen, EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"stay LONG","")+ WriteIf(Col_action==colorRed, EncodeColor(colorRed)+"stay SHORT","")+  WriteIf(Col_action==colorBlack, EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"No Trend","")+"\n"
+ "Vol= "+ WriteVal(V) +WriteIf ( V > MA(V,26) ,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"  UP "+ (V/MA(V,26))*100 + " %", EncodeColor(colorRed)+"  DOWN "+ (V/MA(V,26))*100 + " %")
+ EncodeColor(colorGreen)+   "\n R3 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD3
+ EncodeColor(colorGreen)+   "\n R2 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD2
+ EncodeColor(colorGreen)+   "\n R1 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD1+ EncodeColor(colorGreen)+   "`            Hi: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+H
+ EncodeColor(colorBlue)+   "\n Pivot : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+pd + EncodeColor(colorYellow)+   "`   Op: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+O+ EncodeColor(colorAqua)+   "Cl: "+ EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+C
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+   "\n S1 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD1+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+   "`            Lo: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+L
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+   "\n S2 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD2
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+   "\n S3 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD3


_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleCandle
| ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 
// Paste the code below to your price chart somewhere and green ribbon means both
// both MACD and ADX trending up so if the red ribbon shows up the MACD and the ADX 
// are both trending down.

_SECTION_BEGIN("trending ribbon");
uptrend=PDI()>MDI()AND Signal()
downtrend=MDI()>PDI()AND Signal()>MACD();

Plot( 2, /* defines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane width */"ribbon",
IIf( uptrend, colorGreen, IIf( downtrend, colorRed, 0 )), /* choose color */
styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );



P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 20, 2, 200, 1, 10 );
lema = EMA (Close,Periods)+ EMA((Close-EMA(Close,Periods)),Periods);
Plot( lEMA, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ),
ParamStyle("Style") );
Title = EncodeColor(colorPink)+ "Trend Detection " + " - " +  Name() + " - " + EncodeColor(colorRed)+ Interval(2) + EncodeColor(colorWhite) +
 "  - " + Date() +" - "+"\n" +EncodeColor(colorYellow) +"Op-"+O+"  "+"Hi-"+H+"  "+"Lo-"+L+"  "+
"Cl-"+C+"  "+ "Vol= "+ WriteVal(V)+"\n";


Parag Patil is a technical analyst and trading system designer with stock excel programmer. I hope the articles and live chart of nse future and mcx on this Website will be as helpful and profitable to you . I try to update and post new articles tips everyday. My motto is to encourage the traders, so that they should able to understand the technique views behind the moment of stocks. I have deeply analyzed with many technical indicator with parameter and added to my amibroker afl. And even taken backtest report which is never being implemented. Any of the analyst expect me. Seeing all this you may understand that my views is more technical than commercial. If you are profited by my views I fill happy.

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