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Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Nifty 50 Support and resistant updates for 6 April 2015

Ticker Date/Time CMP Daily Resistance Daily Support Weekly Resistance Weekly Support Monthly Resistance Monthly Support
AMBUJACEM 01/04/2015 00:02 260.25 258.7 254 259 245.4 287 243
ASIANPAINT 01/04/2015 00:02 821.7 817 802.05 819.5 768.1 848.2 768.1
ACC 01/04/2015 00:02 1585.9 1594.9 1555.05 1604 1538 1774.65 1538
AXISBANK 01/04/2015 00:02 569.65 573.5 557.25 567.15 526.1 654.9 526.1
BANKBARODA 01/04/2015 00:02 168.9 167.9 162.2 173.85 155.4 198.7 155.4
BAJAJ-AUTO 01/04/2015 00:02 2019.8 2035 2004.9 2041.8 1980 2209.35 1980
BANKNIFTY 01/04/2015 00:02 18617.85 18494.35 18158.55 18696.7 17719.35 20541.65 17719.35
BHARTIARTL 01/04/2015 00:02 402.3 395.7 385 404.5 371.1 404.5 339.1
BHEL 01/04/2015 00:02 230.7 242 233 246.6 228 278.7 228
CAIRN 01/04/2015 00:02 213.35 215 210.8 226.8 214.2 260 209
BPCL 01/04/2015 00:02 804.2 815.9 769.3 774.15 713.1 815.9 713.1
CIPLA 01/04/2015 00:02 709.6 717.7 700.25 718.45 687.2 752.85 681.35
COALINDIA 01/04/2015 00:02 363 365.95 359.55 373 346.4 398.2 346.4
DLF 01/04/2015 00:02 159.7 160.6 156.15 165.5 151.2 167.4 139.1
DRREDDY 01/04/2015 00:02 3533.65 3515 3454 3575 3351.5 3575 3300.15
GAIL 01/04/2015 00:02 384.8 390 378.4 392.4 372.15 415 372.15
GRASIM 01/04/2015 00:02 3694.05 3654.95 3593.3 3685 3528.65 4024.85 3528.65
HDFC 01/04/2015 00:02 1337.05 1322.95 1297.75 1386.75 1257.45 1402.3 1257.45
HCLTECH 01/04/2015 00:02 940.85 984.05 967 1017.8 954.9 1058.45 954.9
HDFCBANK 01/04/2015 00:02 1033.25 1039.9 1014.85 1059.4 1002.1 1109.3 1002.1
HEROMOTOCO 01/04/2015 00:02 2655.85 2658.75 2620.7 2649 2552 2705.5 2552
HINDALCO 01/04/2015 00:02 132.2 133.45 128.4 136.8 128.55 160 123.1
ICICIBANK 01/04/2015 00:02 323.15 322.75 313.8 322.4 302.6 362 302.6
HINDUNILVR 01/04/2015 00:02 883.5 884 858 910 848.95 981 848.95
IDFC 01/04/2015 00:02 172.7 170.65 165.65 169.35 160 188 160
INDUSINDBK 01/04/2015 00:02 925.25 894.1 877.5 896.45 850.9 962.55 850.9
INFY 01/04/2015 00:02 2173.95 2273.65 2204.35 2275 2132 2313.9 2132
ITC 01/04/2015 00:02 332.45 328.8 324 329.8 315.1 358 315.1
JINDALSTEL 01/04/2015 00:02 155.55 161.5 155.2 160.05 140 201.1 140
LT 01/04/2015 00:02 1734.25 1747 1711.25 1690 1613.45 1893.8 1613.45
KOTAKBANK 01/04/2015 00:02 1361.05 1324.7 1300.25 1362 1275.7 1457.75 1275.7
LUPIN 01/04/2015 00:02 2037.5 2028.8 1994.45 2036.95 1895 2036.95 1743
M&M 01/04/2015 00:02 1202.1 1210 1180 1223.35 1158.25 1308.8 1154.4
MARUTI 01/04/2015 00:02 3644.7 3727.7 3659.85 3639.2 3537.95 3789.7 3537.95
NMDC 01/04/2015 00:02 128.65 133.05 126.4 131.35 123.05 140.85 123.05
NSENIFTY 01/04/2015 00:02 8586.25 8550.45 8454.15 8627.75 8269.15 9119.2 8269.15
NTPC 01/04/2015 00:02 147.75 148.5 144.9 154.9 142.95 164.75 142.7
ONGC 01/04/2015 00:02 306.45 319.6 304.5 316.45 298.8 329.6 298.8
PNB 01/04/2015 00:02 151.95 149.9 143.5 164.4 142.6 180 142.6
POWERGRID 01/04/2015 00:02 146.45 146.45 144.5 151.9 143.2 159 143.2
RELIANCE 01/04/2015 00:02 836.05 832.9 818 864 801.45 909.65 796.45
SBIN 01/04/2015 00:02 273.45 271.35 266 280 255.2 315 255.2
SUNPHARMA 01/04/2015 00:02 1081.15 1033.25 1010.35 1067.8 1002.1 1075 909.4
TATAMOTORS 01/04/2015 00:02 564.9 559.8 537.6 557.8 518.15 601 518.15
SSLT 01/04/2015 00:02 190.15 196 188.6 197.5 183.75 225 183.75
TATAPOWER 01/04/2015 00:02 77.5 77.5 74.9 79.6 74 88.3 73.55
TATASTEEL 01/04/2015 00:02 323.65 326.4 315.2 335 311.2 359.2 311.2
TCS 01/04/2015 00:02 2542.65 2569.45 2521 2637 2501 2812.1 2501
TECHM 01/04/2015 00:02 632.7 639.6 626.5 685.45 639 735.94 618.65
ULTRACEMCO 01/04/2015 00:02 2883.7 2967.5 2855 2878.55 2734.7 3398 2734.7
WIPRO 01/04/2015 00:02 633.2 634.6 618.2 663.95 608.55 677.6 608.55
ZEEL 01/04/2015 00:02 340.85 344 336.65 361.95 331 370.95 331


Parag Patil is a technical analyst and trading system designer with stock excel programmer. I hope the articles and live chart of nse future and mcx on this Website will be as helpful and profitable to you . I try to update and post new articles tips everyday. My motto is to encourage the traders, so that they should able to understand the technique views behind the moment of stocks. I have deeply analyzed with many technical indicator with parameter and added to my amibroker afl. And even taken backtest report which is never being implemented. Any of the analyst expect me. Seeing all this you may understand that my views is more technical than commercial. If you are profited by my views I fill happy.

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